| Read Time: 3 minutes | Ride-Share Accident

Ride-sharing companies like Lyft and Uber are extremely popular ways to get around, especially in metropolitan areas. They are incredibly convenient and affordable, especially when compared to other transport options. However, with the increasing number of ride-sharing vehicles on our roads, an important question is, what happens if you are in an accident with a ride-sharing service vehicle? This often depends on whether you were a passenger or another driver, as well as the ride-sharing driver’s work status.

Car Accidents and Ride-Sharing Services

These cases can be complicated, but at Ellis Law, we have the experience and knowledge needed to ensure you are fairly compensated for your losses. If you or a loved one have been seriously injured in a ride-share accident, let our dedicated team get to work for you right away. 

Types of Ride-Sharing Accidents

Ride-sharing drivers have a legal duty to operate their motor vehicle safely. Not every driver is well-qualified, and even an experienced driver can have a bad moment and cause an accident. Whatever the case, if you are injured while a passenger in an Uber or Lyft, you are entitled to compensation when the ride-sharing driver is at fault. 

You are also entitled to be compensated for your injuries when the driver of another vehicle causes an accident involving the Uber or Lyft you are riding in. The source of your compensation depends on who is determined to be at fault for the accident.

Other types of accidents can occur with ride-sharing vehicles when you are not a customer. This commonly occurs when you are injured while driving your own vehicle or while riding as a passenger in someone else’s vehicle. It can also occur when a ride-share vehicle causes injury to a pedestrian or bicyclist. Each circumstance is unique, but a North Carolina ride-share accident attorney is ready to help.

Ride-Sharing Insurance Coverage

Two of the most common ride-sharing companies, Uber and Lyft, have specific insurance requirements imposed by law or their own policies. They help cover their own drivers or third parties that may be injured. How much coverage is available will depend on the driver’s working status, or whether the injured plaintiff is a driver or third party.

Uber Insurance Requirements

Uber utilizes the following standards when determining coverage:

  • If the App is Off: If the driver’s Uber app is turned off, Uber will not cover the accident. Instead, the driver must rely on their own automobile insurance.
  • Awaiting a Request: Uber drivers wait for passengers to make a request. While in this waiting stage, Uber covers $25,000 for property damage, $50,000 per person, and $100,000 per accident for bodily injury.
  • Heading Towards or Hauling a Passenger: If an Uber driver is matched to a passenger or has one in the vehicle, the insurance policy raises to $1,000,000 per accident.

Lyft Insurance Requirements

Lyft’s insurance requirements and coverage are very similar, but there are some minor differences:

  • If the App is Off: If the driver’s Lyft app is turned off, Lyft will not cover the accident. Only the driver’s personal insurance will help cover the accident.
  • Awaiting a Request: Lyft drivers wait for passengers to make a request. While in this waiting stage, Lyft covers $50,000 per person for bodily injury, $25,000 for property damage, and $100,000 per accident for bodily injury.
  • Ride Matched: If a Lyft driver is matched to a passenger or has one in the vehicle, the insurance policy raises to $1,000,000 per accident.

These insurance requirements and standards could change over time. However, a skilled ride-sharing accident attorney investigates the case, what coverage applies, and pursues compensation for you based on the applicable law.

Work With a Dedicated Ride-Sharing Accident Lawyer in North Carolina

At Ellis Law, we are highly familiar with ride-sharing accidents and the challenges they pose. We can fight against these large companies to pursue the compensation you deserve. 

Contact us today for a free consultation of your case.

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