When a pedestrian is injured, they will almost always suffer serious injuries. The human body stands little chance of avoiding injury against a car, truck, motorcycle, or even bicycle. If you or a loved one is the victim of a pedestrian accident, you are likely trying to recover from significant injuries, rebuild your life, and wrap your head around what happened. You don’t have to face this alone. 

A seasoned pedestrian accident lawyer can guide you through the weeks and months following your accident to help ensure you receive the necessary medical treatment, hold those responsible accountable, and pursue financial stability for your future.

At the Law Offices of Naomi Ellis, PLLC, we are a boutique law firm providing compassionate and personal representation to accident victims in Durham and surrounding areas. We work one-on-one with our clients to help get their lives back on track after a serious accident. If you’ve been seriously injured as a pedestrian, contact our office today to learn how we can help.

Why Hire a Pedestrian Injury Accident Lawyer in Durham?

Durham pedestrian accident lawyer

After an accident, emotions run high. The claims process can feel overwhelming. Dealing with insurance companies, understanding liability, and navigating the intricacies of the legal system can be daunting. Here are a few reasons to hire a lawyer: 

  • Legal experience. A pedestrian accident lawyer in Durham understands local regulations, traffic laws, and nuances specific to pedestrian-related incidents. They can determine fault, assess the validity of claims, and guide you on the best course of action.
  • Negotiating skills. Insurance companies are notorious for offering settlements that fall extremely short of covering medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. With a seasoned pedestrian injury accident lawyer by your side, you can rest assured that your rights are protected. 
  • Objectivity. It’s easy to let emotions cloud your judgment. Your attorney will provide an objective third-party view and help you calculate a reasonable case value. 
  • Representation in court. In cases that cannot be resolved through settlement negotiations, your attorney will file a lawsuit within the statute of limitations, represent you during hearings in court, and prepare your case for trial if necessary. 

You should be concentrating on your recovery, not arguing with claims adjusters. Hire a pedestrian accident attorney at the Law Offices of Naomi Ellis, PLLC, rather than try dealing with the complex legal process yourself. 

Common Causes of Pedestrian Accidents

While every claim is unique, certain scenarios more frequently result in pedestrian accidents. These include: 

  • Distracted driving: texting, talking on a cell phone, or simply not paying attention can lead to not seeing a pedestrian.
  • Poor road conditions: uneven pavements, lack of crosswalks, or poorly lit areas can make pedestrians vulnerable.
  • Impaired driving: alcohol or drugs diminish a driver’s ability to react promptly.
  • Speeding: higher speeds reduce a driver’s reaction time and can increase the severity of accidents.

It’s not uncommon for accidents to have multiple contributing causes. For example, someone might be speeding in an area without crosswalks and be so busy looking at their phone they miss seeing a pedestrian. 

Recovering Damages in a Pedestrian Injury Accident

If you can prove liability against the driver or another at-fault party, you could be entitled to receive compensation for your injuries. Compensation typically includes multiple types of damages, such as: 

  • Economic damages: tangible losses, including medical bills, lost wages, and any out-of-pocket expenses related to the accident.
  • Noneconomic damages: intangible losses, such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life. 

In some cases, you might be eligible to receive punitive damages. However, punitive damages are reserved exclusively for cases where the driver’s actions were malicious or particularly reckless. Your lawyer will explain what types of damages you may be eligible to receive. 

Hiring a Durham Pedestrian Injury Lawyer: Why Choose Us?

There are multiple Durham personal injury firms to choose from, so why hire the Law Offices of Naomi Ellis, PLLC? Here are a few things that set us apart from some other firms:

  • Comprehensive evaluation. We dig deep into the details, from police reports to eye witness accounts, ensuring no stone is left unturned. Our investigation team is committed to helping build the strongest case possible. 
  • Aggressive representation. As a leading pedestrian accident law firm, we advocate fiercely for our clients. We won’t back down and aren’t afraid to stand up to any at-fault party, including large corporations. 
  • We believe in a client-focused approach. We prioritize our clients, ensuring regular communication and keeping you informed at every stage. You will work one on one with your lawyer from start to finish. You will never be handed off to a case manager or legal assistant.
  • No upfront fees. We operate on a contingency basis. You don’t pay unless we win your case.

    If you sustained injuries in a pedestrian accident, contact our office to schedule a no-obligation consultation today.

Contact a Durham Pedestrian Accident Lawyer 

Pedestrian accidents can be life-changing. If you or a loved one suffered injuries in a pedestrian accident, contact a Durham pedestrian accident attorney at the Law Offices of Naomi Ellis, PLLC. We are a boutique law firm specializing in serious injury cases. When you hire us, you will work one on one with your attorney and will never be passed off to a case manager or secretary. Let us review your case and help you take the first step toward regaining control of your future.