| Read Time: 3 minutes | Car Accidents

How Is Fault Determined in a Car Accident in North Carolina?

After a car accident, one of the most important questions is “who was at fault?” This question determines a great deal, including who has to pay for the accident and in what amount. It may even determine whether the injured person can recover if they contributed to the accident in some way. An investigation into who was at fault...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Car Accidents

Is North Carolina a No-Fault State for Car Accidents?

North Carolina is not a no-fault state for car accidents. Our state is an “at-fault” state meaning that the insurance company of the driver at fault for the accident is responsible for paying monetary damages to the injured person. It also means that, in a personal injury lawsuit, you have the burden of proving that the other driver was...

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| Read Time: 8 minutes | Information

Car Accidents in North Carolina: Types of Insurance to Know

Car accidents in North Carolina are rarely easy to handle on one’s own. Even an accident that seems as if it should be a straight-forward, easy matter to work out may involve unexpected twists. This is especially true when it comes to car insurance, health insurance, and other types of insurance that might effect your claim.   Ellis Law...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Information

North Carolina Car Insurance Laws and Requirements

Navigating the intricacies of auto insurance can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially when each state has its unique set of rules and regulations. Understanding NC auto insurance requirements is essential for residents who own a car in North Carolina. The state requires drivers to carry a minimum amount of bodily injury, property damage, and uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. This post will...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Information

Negotiating a Car Accident Settlement in North Carolina

You are undoubtedly feeling overwhelmed if you were recently injured in a car accident. Car accident injuries can mean mounting medical bills, lost wages, and car repair costs. You may be looking to recover your out-of-pocket expenses and get back on your feet but are unsure how to negotiate a car accident settlement. Don’t worry; we are here to...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Information

What Important Factors Will Affect Your North Carolina Motorcycle Accident Case?

Like any motor vehicle accident, every motorcycle accident is unique, and your potential settlement or award will depend on the circumstances of the crash. However, three main factors will commonly affect motorcycle accident claims. Let’s take a closer look. Factors Affecting Your Motorbike Accident Compensation Claim Below we discuss three factors that commonly influence motorcycle accident claims. These factors...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Information

North Carolina Pedestrian Safety Tips

Pedestrian-involved motor vehicle accidents are common in North Carolina and unfortunately, the consequences are often catastrophic. While walking is part of a healthy lifestyle, like any activity, it comes with risks. You can help prevent accidents if you make yourself aware of those risks and familiarize yourself with North Carolina traffic laws that affect both motorists and pedestrians. Pedestrian...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Information

Premises Liability: Who Is Responsible for Your Slip and Fall Injuries?

When you enter a property, be it a shopping mall, a supermarket, or a neighbor’s home, you anticipate a safe environment. Yet slips and falls are all too common. Property owners can be legally liable for your injuries because they have a duty to keep their premises safe for visitors. Occupants, renters, municipalities, and others might also bear some...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Information

Wrongful Death Lawsuits: Who Can File and What Damages Are Recoverable?

When faced with the tragedy of losing a loved one due to someone else’s actions, you might seek justice through a wrongful death lawsuit. Understanding the NC wrongful death statute is crucial as it outlines the specifics of these lawsuits, such as which surviving family members can present a claim and what damages you can recover. In a wrongful...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Information

Maximizing Compensation for Catastrophic Injury Claims: Building a Strong Case

Experiencing a catastrophic injury doesn’t just alter your physical well-being; it can reshape your entire life, including your emotional, financial, and social well-being. When seeking catastrophic injury compensation, building a solid case is crucial. Read on to learn more about types of severe injuries, how the claims process works, and why it’s important to hire an experienced lawyer to...

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